The thymus, a small organ that lies in the upper chest under the breastbone, is part of the lymph system. It makes white blood cells, called lymphocytes, that protect the body against infections.

There are different types of tumors of the thymus. Thymomas and thymic carcinomas are rare tumors of the cells on the outside surface of the thymus. The tumor cells in a thymoma look similar to the thymus’s normal cells grow slowly and rarely spread beyond the thymus. On the other hand, the tumor cells in a thymic carcinoma look very different from the thymus’ normal cells, grow more quickly, and have usually spread to other parts of the body when there is cancer. Thymic carcinoma is more difficult to treat than thymoma.


There are different types of thymoma treatment in delhi for patients and thymic carcinoma.

Four types of standard treatment are used:

  •  Surgery by open technique, VATS or Robotic Surgery- The benefit of one over the other is not proven
  • Radiation therapy
  •  Chemotherapy
  •  Hormone therapy

New types of treatment are being tested in clinical trials.

  • Patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial.
  •  Patients can enter clinical trials before, during, or after starting their cancer treatment.
  •  Follow-up tests may be needed.