Best Lung and Pleural Infections Treatment in Delhi
A lung abscess is a subacute infection in which an area of necrosis forms in the lung parenchyma. It usually is in a dependent section of the lung, more often involves the right lung than the left, and is most commonly seen after aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions. Lung abscesses have a slow, insidious presentation and usually develop 1-2 weeks after the initial aspiration event. If not responsive to the conservative treatment, they may require Surgery.

Empyema is defined as pus in the pleural space. It typically is a complication of pneumonia. However, it can also arise from penetrating chest trauma, esophageal rupture, a complication from lung surgery in delhi, or injection of the pleural cavity after thoracentesis or chest tube placement. An empyema can also occur from the extension of a subdiaphragmatic or paravertebral abscess.
Early Surgery has been shown to benefit from treatment of uncontrolled infections, whether lung abscess or empyema.
These can be done by open, VATS or Robotic Surgery.